Jay Berkley/Arch Dis Child

8 results

Randomised controlled trial of fosfomycin in neonatal sepsis: pharmacokinetics and safety in relation to sodium overload.Obiero CW, Williams P, Murunga S, Thitiri J, Omollo R, Walker AS, Egondi T, Nyaoke B, Correia E, Kane Z, Gastine S, Kipper K, Standing JF, Ellis S, Sharland M, Berkley JA, NeoFosfo Study Group
Arch Dis Child, (2022). 107:802-810

Clinical features to distinguish meningitis among young infants at a rural Kenyan hospital.Obiero CW, Mturi N, Mwarumba S, Ngari M, Newton C, Boele van Hensbroek M, Berkley JA
Arch Dis Child, (2021). 106:130-136

Prediction modelling of inpatient neonatal mortality in high-mortality settings.Aluvaala J, Collins G, Maina B, Mutinda C, Waiyego M, Berkley JA, English M
Arch Dis Child, (2020). 106:449-54

Linear growth following complicated severe malnutrition: 1-year follow-up cohort of Kenyan children.Ngari MM, Iversen PO, Thitiri J, Mwalekwa L, Timbwa M, Fegan GW, Berkley JA
Arch Dis Child, (2019). 104:229-235

Mass antibiotic distribution to reduce mortality among preschool children?.Berkley JA
Arch Dis Child, (2019). 104:227-228

Randomised trials in developing countries.Berkley JA
Arch Dis Child, (2014). 99:607-8

The prognostic value of dipstick urinalysis in children admitted to hospital with severe malnutrition.Thuo N, Ohuma E, Karisa J, Talbert A, Berkley JA, Maitland K
Arch Dis Child, (2010). 95:422-6

Abnormal blood glucose concentrations on admission to a rural Kenyan district hospital: prevalence and outcome.Osier FH, Berkley JA, Ross A, Sanderson F, Mohammed S, Newton CR
Arch Dis Child, (2003). 88:621-5